After an accident, many people are hesitant to contact a personal injury lawyer. But when you’re going up against an insurance company, there are a number of reasons why a personal injury lawyer is necessary. Here are five particular cases where not contacting a personal injury lawyer can hurt you in the long run.
1) A Permanently Disabling Injury Or Long-Term Injury
An injury from an accident can impact you for over a year, and in unfortunate cases, the rest of your life. It’s often difficult to determine the amount your injury should rightfully be compensated. To get the most you can out of your claim, it helps to have assistance from an experienced lawyer.
2) When You Are Severely Injured
The amount you are compensated for your injuries is often determined by the type of injury, the total cost of your medical bills and your recovery time. As your potential compensation increases, so does the range of the amount you may be compensated. A knowledgeable lawyer can ensure you receive the higher amount in which you can be compensated.
3) If You Have Been Exposed To Toxic Chemicals
Claims you’ve been exposed to a toxic chemical are difficult to prove and often require scientific data. Chemical industries skillfully protect themselves from legal exposure by making the evidence required to prove your exposure difficult to attain. In this case, it helps to have a lawyer that is familiar with toxic chemical lawsuits.
4) When Your Insurance Company Refuses To Pay
Sometimes your insurance company may refuse to make a fair settlement agreement. A qualified personal injury attorney has experience sticking up for the little guy and can get the most out of big insurance companies.
5) When It’s A Case Of Medical Malpractice
The legal rules regarding medical malpractice can be very abstruse. It’s useful to have an experienced lawyer with a lot of experience in medical malpractice cases working for you.
In general, having a legal expert on your team as you recover from an accident will not only make for a healthier financial outcome, it can save you a tremendous amount of time and effort.
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